10 Tips to survive a long hospital stay
When you are in hospital for a long time it can be very hard to survive and passing the time can be difficult. I have been in hospital for 1 month now and how I survive it is by using various methods. Everyone has different ways of coping.
- Make sure you have some form of Entertainment, such as an Ipad or tablet
- Read a book or magazine
- Talk to other patients, this can make the stay more bearable
- Leave the ward if you can, this is so important as you need a change of scene
- Talk to the staff, some of them like this if they have the time and can be very helpful with getting problems sorted
- Make sure you have visitors come to visit
- Listen to music or meditation
- Word games or puzzles
- Get some exercise even if it is just getting up from your bed to the toilet or going for a walk
- sleep, ths can definitely make the time go quicker
These are my 10 tips to survving a long hospital stay, you may have others I have not thought about so please feel free to share them,

Haha, I’m not allowed to get exercise aside from going to the bathroom